Name: Christopher Irvine
Ringname: Chris Jericho
Geboren: 9. November 1970
Geburtsort: Manhasset, New York
Größe: 178 cm
Gewicht: 102 kg
Spitznamen: Y2J, The Sexy Beast, Lionheart, The King of the World
Trainer: Stu Hart, Keith Hart
Finishing Move: Codebreaker, Walls of Jericho
1 x Undisputed WWF Champion
2 x WCW World Heavyweight Champion
8 x WWE Intercontinental Champion
3 x WWE World Tag-Team Champion (mit The Rock, Christian und Chris
1 x unified tag team champion ( mit Edge
1 x WWE European Champion
1 x WWE Hardcore Champion
1 x ECW World Television Champion
2 x WCW World Heavyweight Champion
1 x WCW World Television Champion
5 x WCW World Cruiserweight Champion